The other evening I managed to get the Avonmaster in action with the carp again. The old lad really had to put his back into the battle with the fish above. This mirror is the largest fish I have taken from this small shallow lake, it went a tad over 6lb. I have noticed a distinct difference in the fish since I started fishing this water about a month or so ago. It is like the fish have finally woken up to spring and are putting up a great account of themselves. The bait again was my faithful Spam and this is really attracting these free biting fish. The suspicion is I am getting a few line bites as my bite to hook up ratio is quite embarrassing, probably about four. The guys on Anglersnet forum have given me some advice on this which I shall mull over before my next session here. Interestingly, one of the contributors had similar problems using a hair rig which was to be my plan A.
Hopefully I will have a 'new' reel to try on my next coarse outing, tonight I have purchased an ABU Cardinal 40 from Ebay.
The common carp below was a fantastic specimen and went straight into a weed bed. The Avonmaster had enough spring in his elbow to cope though. Just check out the superb brassy livery, what a fish.